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9 Steps to Conducting Keyword Popularity Research

Written by Lisa Smith | Feb 29, 2016 2:30:00 PM


Keyword popularity research is an imperative part of search engine optimization. Keywords are the lifeblood of inbound marketing content. With an endless amount of content on the internet, keywords help you sift through all the clutter so you can be seen. By targeting specific personas, you can cater your content to them by learning about the keywords they use so your content will appear at the top of their searches.


Finding the perfect keyword is easier said than done. That’s why keyword popularity research is so important. Many methods exist to help you achieve the optimum keywords. We’ve compiled a list of nine steps to conducting great keyword popularity research.


1) Think like your persona

The whole point of keyword popularity research is to find the most likely string of words that your buyer personas would search. In order to do this, you have to think like your personas. Get inside their heads and figure out what they would search when they want specific information on a topic. The next couple of points in this list will detail the best ways to conduct this keyword popularity research.


2) Research persona forums

One of the best ways to get inside your personas’ heads is to visit the websites they visit. Find different forums they frequent and figure out what these personas are talking about. If they’re asking questions, base your keyword ideas off of the answers.


3) Search job listings for your persona

When searching job listings, you’re looking to find out what your personas need to know in order to do well in their field. This will help you determine how technical to get in your content. You don’t want to bore them with information they encounter every day but you also don’t want content that’s so in depth it becomes a chore to understand.


4) Check industry buzz words for your persona

Staying up to date with the latest terms in your personas’ industries can help tremendously. These terms can make for great keywords and a good base for your content.


5) Use Google’s Autocomplete

Once you’ve wrapped your head around the way your persona thinks, the next best step is to search Google for keyword ideas. Take some of the terms and ideas obtained from your persona research and search them in Google. Use the Autocomplete feature, which gives you the top additions to your search  that can be used as long-tail keywords.


6) Use Google’s “Searches Related to…”

At the bottom of your Google search is a section that says, “Searches related to [your topic].” This tool will assist you in finding other keywords people use when searching your topic. These can also be used as long-tail keyword options.


7) Use tools like HubSpot or Google AdWords

Now that you have a list of possible keywords that your persona would search, you can plug these words into a marketing automation service site like HubSpot or Google Adwords. These sites give you statistics about your keyword. The goal is to use a keyword that has a high monthly search and a low difficulty.


8) Check dates on webpages when you search

After finding what you think is the best possible keyword, search it in Google again. This time, look at the dates for some of the top websites that come up. Google rates new fresh content higher than old content so if everything that comes up is old that means you’ll be able to to rank high with that keyword.


9) Look at your competitors

After looking at the date, check if any local companies are ranking high with your keywords. If these competitors can rank high, that means you can too.


There are many different ways to conduct keyword popularity research. Remember that catering to your persona is the most important part. Pay attention to the statistics; if your keyword isn’t something your persona is going to search, then find a keyword that will work.