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Social Sharing Psychology is Key to Internet Strategy Development

Written by Lisa Smith | Jan 25, 2016 6:37:53 PM


No pressure, but your internet strategy development needs to revolve around creating a steady stream of captivating content in order to be successful. Easy, right?

Fun, relevant, and interesting content resonates, boosting engagement whenever you share something new. That, in turn, increases the chance that your readers will share your content with others, increasing your digital social reach and building the authority of your brand. So, how do you create content that consistently meets all the criteria?


Quality content creation starts with investigating your buyer personas. These developed profiles of your business’s ideal customer will help you understand the needs and behaviors of your audience more effectively. Content “goes viral” when it’s relatable; people share content they think other in their network will like. Learning more about what your buyer personas care about will make it easier to take advantage of social psychology trends that drive content sharing.


Let’s see how:


Applying Psychology to Your Internet Marketing Strategy

Social psychology is what drives content forward. Developing content that’s geared toward the needs of your buyer personas will not only increase the chance that they’ll engage with your content, but compel them to share your content with others. You will need to develop a list of topics that relate well to your buyer personas, but there are some general rules you should apply to your internet content strategy as well.


  • Be Positive: People like posts that are funny, uplifting, or relatable. They tend to share these posts with others in the hopes that such a mood will be contagious. If you must share a piece of content with a more negative topic try to make it funny or helpful so readers will remain in a positive mood, i.e. “Avoid These Mistakes to Make Your Content Strategy Soar” instead of “The Top Mistakes to Unleash Doom Upon Your Content Strategy.


  • Be Insightful: When businesses share memes or viral content from other sources it doesn’t get much attention because they aren’t adding anything new to the conversation. Viewers are easily bored by content they’ve already seen. Work to create original content that offers insight into your industry and helps your readers. This will develop your reputation as a leader that offers insight worth sharing.


  • Be Relatable: Identify problems or questions your buyer personas have in order to create relatable content. Instead of simply pushing a product, your content should help readers form their own opinions or make informed decisions about the products and services you offer. This way, when your content is shared it’s more likely to be seen by leads that are like-minded and more likely to move down the sales funnel and make a purchase.


  • Be Personable: People are going to share content they think their friends and followers want to see. When developing your buyer personas, think about whom they socialize with so you can determine the interests of the group as a whole. This will help you develop new leads so your social reach can grow, ultimately resulting in more conversions.


Creating inbound marketing content isn’t only about getting as many eyes on your business as possible, it’s about getting your content in front of the right eyes so your readers are more likely to appreciate the content your business provides. Understanding the behavior of your buyer personas helps you determine the relevancy of the content you’re creating so your readers are more likely to share it. Work to create content that your buyer personas will find helpful keeps them engaged as well, which increases the likelihood that they will follow your call-to-action so you can boost sales.



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