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The Effects of Color on Consumer Behavior

Posted by Lisa Smith on May 11, 2021 7:32:32 PM

 Psychology Of Color.png

Ah, the subconscious mind - it's a mysterious and amazing tool! It stores, sorts, and retrieves data, and it processes the information we absorb through our senses. In fact, according to Psychology Today, many of the elements needed for our brains to make judgments and decision-making are processed outside of awareness.

The machinery at work in the subconscious mind also plays a big role in influencing our habits and moods – often for reasons we don’t fully understand – and that can be observed in something as simple as how we perceive and react to colors.


Why do certain colors make us feel calm or happy while others invoke anger or anxiety? Why might warm colors stimulate a more energetic response, while cooler colors can lead to feelings of relaxation?

Read The Effects of Color on Consumer Behavior

Getting Through the Aftermath of COVID-19: Embrace Creativity

Posted by Lisa Smith on Jun 11, 2020 9:15:00 AM



If your business has been closed or severely limited by the state and federal executive orders, life is probably stressful. Businesses are reopening but it still might be hard to get customers in the door. They might be worried it’s too soon or they are too afraid to pay for your services because their own income has been limited. The fact is: your bottom line is going to take a hit and may not recover even as the state begins to open.


That’s a lot to deal with.

Read Getting Through the Aftermath of COVID-19: Embrace Creativity

Three things we learned from Inbound 2019

Posted by Lisa Smith on Oct 29, 2019 8:46:44 AM

After spending a week at HubSpot’s 2019 INBOUND conference we learned A LOT. An event held annually to bring thousands of marketing and sales professionals from around the world together, to sharpen their skills in digital tactics and knowledge. After a fun but intense four days of learning, we wanted to share our top takeaways from this years’ conference that help us market and grow better:

Read Three things we learned from Inbound 2019

Words and How to Use Them (or why we still need grammar, punctuation, and spelling)

Posted by Lisa Smith on Feb 9, 2018 10:44:00 AM



Have you noticed the lowering of standards when it comes to content on the internet? From clumsily-typed texts to the blogs that never saw an editor and bargain basement content mill gibberish and keyword-stuffed nothingburgers, it feels like you can't walk two feet without running into a comma splice. In our haste to become content rich we are becoming content quality poor. But just because everyone else is doing it, does that mean you can slack off too? No.

Read Words and How to Use Them (or why we still need grammar, punctuation, and spelling)

Maintaining Employee Morale While Fueling Innovation

Posted by Lisa Smith on Aug 4, 2017 9:05:00 AM



If you’re anything like the ‘old’ me, you spend too much time stressing about work you haven’t finished, and not enough time feeling satisfied about what you have accomplished. In a perfect world, I’d come to work each day with a surplus of innovative ideas and bring each one to fruition by 5 o’clock. But emails are endless, meetings are necessary and delays are just an inevitable part of business. Which is why, despite my best efforts, I still haven’t figured out how to squeeze 40 hours of work into an eight-hour workday. 


What I have learned, (thanks to an awesome boss and a few thought-changing exercises) is how to use those feelings of angst and defeat to generate groundbreaking ideas and fuel strategies that I know my team can accomplish.

Read Maintaining Employee Morale While Fueling Innovation

Using Visual Content to Enhance Your Brand's Social Media Marketing

Posted by Lisa Smith on Dec 2, 2016 11:00:00 AM


Think about the last time you had a dull, disappointing meal. Did it seem like something was missing? Perhaps it wasn’t spicy enough, or maybe it could have used dash more garlic? The point is, if the proper seasoning had been added, the meal might have been better.


The same goes for the use of visuals in social media. A brand can easily come across as boring or dull without the use of consistent imagery and video. But with a dash of visual appeal and a touch of excitement, a brand’s social media marketing effectiveness can skyrocket.


Read Using Visual Content to Enhance Your Brand's Social Media Marketing