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To 🐙 or not to🦄? Emojis in Email Marketing

Posted by Lisa Smith on Apr 25, 2018 10:39:56 AM

emojis in marketing 


We all have grown to ❤️ and use emojis in our everyday life. Which is why a lot of brands and marketers have begun to use them in email marketing. Just like in messaging formats, emojis are used to replace words and express emotions. They add a little humor and jazz to any conversation or text. Why type out all that text when you can use an emoji to sum it all up? And that’s all brands aim to do: capture attention with simple yet catchy content.

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Drive Traffic to Your Landing Pages: 10 Ways

Posted by Lisa Smith on Aug 25, 2017 1:45:00 PM



If you're looking to drive more traffic to your landing pages, congratulations! You are on your way to becoming a savvy inbound marketer who knows that landing pages are an opportunity for you to leverage content in exchange for contact information. You understand that sparkling, unique content is the key to enticing future brand ambassadors. So, let's call this an intermediate lesson. Below are 10 tactics to get more clicks to your landing pages so that you can start to bridge the gap between attracting and converting.

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